Keep Calm new site     Raine Miller Romance now has a fresh new face, courtesy of Priceless Design Studio, and I could not be more excited about the finished product.  My favorite thing? Wanna guess what it is?  Yeah…it’s the countdown widget to Eyes Wide Open.  *grinning every time I see it*  I love the modern feel combined with the vintage elements that I adore, and I cannot wait to start adding some fun stuff for people to enjoy.  Katie Price, you worked some serious magic for me.  *big ginormous hug*

To celebrate this milestone there is a contest on my Facebook pages for 10,000 LIKES where two Kindle Fires will be given away.  You have to LIKE my Raine Miller Romance Fan Page and the Ethan Blackstone Fan Page on Facebook in order to enter and answer some scavenger hunt questions.  All in good fun, and I thank my wonderful street team of  Becca, Jena, and Franzi for taking such good care of me.

kindle contest

Now all that’s left is for me to take the advice of the title of this post and KEEP CALM because in five hours I am leaving for Maui with my family for a much needed break.  I plan on doing a lot of reading of all of the amazing books my good friends have been writing, and of course Lover at Last has finally arrived and needs my attention.  Desperately.  *glares*

Much love to the awesome fans for all the well wishes and support of my books.  I feel blessed every day to be able to write these stories and bring them to you.

*waves and blows kisses*

xxoo R

All In, The Blackstone Affair Part 2

I promised to reveal the cover this weekend for All In.  Well here it is.  I can thank Kim Killion at Hot Damn Designs for working her magic yet again.  I love how it turned out and love the expressiveness in the hand.  Hands fascinate me in general so based on the fact that Ethan Blackstone is known for touching his girl all the time, I thought this cover worked perfectly for their story.  I also promised an excerpt so here goes.  You will see that Mr. Blackstone is still explaining things to Brynne in that very direct way of his.  *snickers*  He can do blunt and scorchingly sexy better than any man I know and it only makes me love him more.


“Where are we going?” she asked.

“First?  We’re going to get some food.”  It came out a little harsher than I wanted it to.

She nodded at me and then looked away, out the window.

“After you eat we’ll get a new phone and mobile number for you.”

She looked down at her lap and nodded again.  I wanted to pull her into my arms but I held off.

“Then I’m taking you home.  My place—home.”

“No, Ethan, that’s not a good idea,” she whispered.

“Fuck good ideas,” I exploded.  “Would you at least look at me?”  She turned her eyes up to mine and smoldered in the seat, a hint of red fire flickering and making them look very brown.  I wanted to drag her to me and shake her, making her understand that this bullshit break-up was a thing of the past.  She was coming home with me, period.  I turned the key in the ignition.

“What do you want from me, Ethan?”

“That’s easy.”  I made a rude noise.  “I want to go back to one week ago.  I want to be back in my office fucking on my desk with you wrapped around me!  I want your body underneath mine looking up at me with some expression other than the one I saw when you left me at the lifts!”  I rested my forehead on the steering wheel.

“Okay…Ethan.”  Her voice sounded shaky and more than a little defeated.

“Okay…Ethan?” I mocked, pulling my head up to look her over.  “What does that mean?  Okay I’m coming home with you?  Okay to you and me?  What?  I need more from you, Brynne.”


The Undoing of a Libertine Giveaway~

Win these fabulous prizes!

To celebrate the release of the print version of The Undoing of a Libertine, I am having a giveaway of a signed book, a tote bag and a flower pen.  Join me on my Facebook page and comment there.  Contest runs through July 10th when I will choose a random winner from those that comment.  I made the pens and took a ton of them to Rom Con with me.  Everyone loved them and my tote bags?  Well, they are da bomb.  You definitely want one of these to take to the store.  Do your part for a green economy and all that.  Right?  Hope to see you around Facebook.  In the meantime, I am hard at work on two new books you can be assured.  More on that later–I gotta get back to writing.  Raine~

July 10, 2012

So 24 wonderful people entered to win this and thanks to I don’t have to be the one who chooses the winner.  *feeling total relief about this*

Renee Waring!!!!!!

Congratulations, Renee and enjoy!

Rom Con here I come!


My second convention.  Last year it was Romantic Times in Los Angeles, this year it’s Rom Con in Denver.  How different are things from a year ago?  In some ways, not very much. But in others…well, it’s making me smile just thinking about it.

This time I have two published books to my name.  Last year my first book, His Perfect Passion, had not yet been released so nobody had read it. This year I actually have some fans who have read my stuff and tell me they are looking forward to meeting me!!  *shaking my head in amazement*

Last year I showed up at the conference pretty much terrified and all alone. This time I will meet up with people I know and love and…drum roll, please…have ordered my first ‘author swag’ and eagerly await its arrival upon my doorstep–very gorgeous tote bags with my name emblazoned upon them.

Now add into that mix the chance to meet some authors I idolize and adore *cough*  Elizabeth Hoyt  *cough*  Julia Quinn   …and I’d say the whole thing is shaping up into a special time for me.

