Blackstone Book 3

big ben at nightI keep getting messages from fans asking about the release of Eyes Wide Open, part 3 of Blackstone Affair, and it occurred to me that there may be incorrect information out there.   Remember that the Blackstone Affair series was sold to Atria/Simon & Schuster earlier this month.  The switch from indie to traditional publishing means that the publisher retains control over release dates and pricing.  Atria has set Spring 2013 for the release of Part 3, and since they are a mainstream publisher, the book will be available for pre-order this time.  I hope to post the beginning chapter of Eyes Wide Open when we do the cover reveal.  I don’t know the exact date right now, but when I do, I will certainly tell everyone!

In the meantime, enjoy this lovely picture of my vision of Ethan and Brynne as we left them at the end of All In.  He has her safe in his hands and she’s holding on to him.  I want you to imagine them just like this in your mind.  Do it.  *stern look with eyebrows*  It will help with the waiting…  Raine knows what she is talking about.