Blackstone Book 3

big ben at nightI keep getting messages from fans asking about the release of Eyes Wide Open, part 3 of Blackstone Affair, and it occurred to me that there may be incorrect information out there.   Remember that the Blackstone Affair series was sold to Atria/Simon & Schuster earlier this month.  The switch from indie to traditional publishing means that the publisher retains control over release dates and pricing.  Atria has set Spring 2013 for the release of Part 3, and since they are a mainstream publisher, the book will be available for pre-order this time.  I hope to post the beginning chapter of Eyes Wide Open when we do the cover reveal.  I don’t know the exact date right now, but when I do, I will certainly tell everyone!

In the meantime, enjoy this lovely picture of my vision of Ethan and Brynne as we left them at the end of All In.  He has her safe in his hands and she’s holding on to him.  I want you to imagine them just like this in your mind.  Do it.  *stern look with eyebrows*  It will help with the waiting…  Raine knows what she is talking about.


  1. Will Eyes wide open be a book all on its own or will all three novellas be published as one book? Once again so excited that you where published;)

  2. What a picture…will wait for more Ethan, no problem 😉

  3. Will it be available for kindle as well, like the first two parts? Can’t wait 🙂

  4. Ok done, they are firmly etched in my mind as instructed. Lol.
    I’m so excited about Eyes Wide Open will being a longer bk. More of Ethan Blackstone oh yeah definately worth waiting for.

  5. So very excited!

  6. Thanks for the visual. Anxiously awaiting the next book. Love these characters!

  7. Raine,

    Thank you for the update. Happy New Year !!


    Sent from iPhone

  8. So happy about the new publisher but so disappointed about it not coming out on Dec. 31st.
    I can’t wait to see what happens.

  9. Ryan Wilburg says

    FYI guys Nook has increased the pricing from 1.99-3.99 to 5.99 🙁

    • So has Amazon….wonder why the price increase?? I didnt mind paying the 2.99 for the others but I hope this one will be worth the price increase….wish it was coming out SOON!!

      • Hi Wanda. 🙁 I don’t care for the price increase at all. Unfortunately it is out of my control. When I self-published the series I, as publisher, could price my books at whatever price I choose, but have no control over price now as it has been sold to Simon & Schuster. The publisher always controls the price.

      • Can those of us willing to pay, say $9.99 for Eyes Wide Open get it sooner. Raine, can you let the publisher know this? Start it off at a higher price for those of us dying to get our hands on it, and willing to pay more. I’m sure they won’t go for it, but it was worth a mention. I’m on pins and needles for the next book in this awesome series! Thanks for sharing your great talent with us.

  10. Mmmmmmmmmm

  11. Yes, ma’am! I will (im) patiently wait for my Ethan!

  12. Thanks for this post!! I was beginning to wonder myself when it was coming out.

  13. This book can’t be released soon enough!

  14. sharon harris says

    Thrilled for you. It will be worth the wait. Also thrilled to be on this wonderful journey with you. Wishes for much success!!

  15. I was looking forward to the 12/31 release. Thought something was up because I didnt see the book online yet. Do you know when in the Spring? Hope you have a wonderful new year!

  16. I will gladly wait as long as Raine keeps posting pictures of David Gandy (AKA Ethan). I can’t remember when I enjoyed a book more (other than FSOG) so I’m sitting on pins and needles!

  17. Camaro_Child says

    Dig a setting in London, two lovers, and the purple motif of your covers. I’m down on this scene…

  18. I came across the first book, and was caught from the first chapter, eagerly awaiting book 3

  19. Suzanne Hoy says

    I was hoping to be able to bring in the new year with a glass of champagne and some ethan in book 3…Raine thank you for the update…I know it will be worth the wait…LOVE the picture!!!

  20. Love love love all your books. Bummed that I must wait until Spring but at the same time so happy for you! Happy New Year 🙂

  21. I just got into the sight and saw the release date had been pushed back…I have been checking throughout the day, will be a long wait little disappointed but will re-read the other two in preparation.

  22. Linda Freedland says

    David Gandy is SOOOO Ethan. Love the pic. An earlier release certainly would have warmed up our long cold winter nights but it is what it is – and it will be worth waiting for I know!

  23. Martha Baltazar says

    Love this picture. I can’t picture anyone else other than David Gandy as Mr. Blackstone. He is soooooooo perfect for this role. Am anxiously awaiting for book 3. Missing Mr. Blackstone.

  24. I have a question, I hope you are able to answers. who is the 3rd installment narrated through? I think this vastly changes the feel of the read. I loooved that you changed to Ethan in the 2nd installment. <3

  25. Yeah for being able to pre-order it for my kindle. Can’t wait, especially if I think my hunch about Brynne is true 😉

  26. Congrats on the sale!! How exciting 🙂 While I’m bummed to have to wait for part 3, I will of course buy it as soon as it becomes available!

  27. Love, love this amazing author. THe worst part of Super storm Sandy was screwing up my gettin my hands on bk 2!!! (Don’t tell, it’s our secret.) Great characters–even the “secondary” ones! Loved, loved the Christmas near miss story too.

    Can’t wait until they realize how close they came to meeting earlier….

    Yours from LI, NY,


  28. hi raine, im just a BIG fan from mexico, city. I lovee naked and all in! any plans to translate this book in spanish? pleaseeeeee!!! can’t wait for eyes wide open.

  29. RaineMillerFan says

    Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase, I need it!!!! I need the part 3, I’ve been waiting a few months, I need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • I 2 nd that emotion on the 3rd already. Book companies love getting us hooked like this and then decide when to give us the goods. Hurry up….I have a short attention span – just saying’.

  30. Susan Griffiths says

    I check every day for the new book! I love Ethan!!! I can’t wait for Eyes Wide Open to come out! I am going to re-read the first two just before it does!

  31. can not wait until eyes wide open is released. fallen in love with Ethan.

  32. por favor me puedes confirmar si la tercera entrega se llama” ojos bien abiertos ” un saludo desde españa

  33. Do we have a daye yet Im so ready for the next book

  34. happy for you…NOT happy for me. I guess the price will shoot up exponentially too.

  35. You are awesome let me tell You again . Please let as know when the third book will be out . Also the Spanish version for my mother ,

  36. I can not wait. …Ive been trying to pre-order it, but I can’t find it.

  37. Hi from mexico i´m bigger fan ok THE AFFAIRS OF BLACKSTONE i cant wait to book 3!!!!! i said to all my friends about this book and they love it too!!!! please a date to yhe book 3???? luv from mexico city!!! <3

  38. Love this picture absolutely…. Cover for part 3… I don’t like it that much… I pictured Brynne different… but can’t wait until May for the 3rd part… it will kill me

  39. Love your books, I was looking for a good read after finishing fifty, gabriels, and Sylvia day crossfire series. I am impressed that you published yourself, I thought you were already published. Good for you. Can’t wait for the next one. Being from England myself I was glad to see that their was a story based somewhere else, other then America.
    Good job!

  40. Hi love your books I hope the part 3 will be came at Spanish too .

  41. I just preordered my eyes wide open through barnes and nobles. It says on there that it will be released may 14th and believe you me my calander has been marked. 😉

  42. Hola¡ estoy fascinada con el Affaire Blacktone, me gustaría saber cuando llegara a Chile la tercera parte ,estoy ansiosa por saber que va a pasar…..¡! Y cual será su nombre, Sorprendida o Con los Ojos Bien Abiertos…..

  43. Vanessa Morales says

    Omg I really need the 3rd book I can’t go on with my life, I haven’t sleep in 3 days with the 2 first books. Tus libros son lo maximo gracias por escribirlos y esperando desde ya que sea mayo 14.

  44. Quisiera saber cual ES la fecha verdadera por que amazon lo tiene para agosto. Y no aparece la edicion en español.y cual va ser el nombre en español. Thanks.

  45. Does Mr. Gandy know that he is your muse? 🙂

  46. Hi when at Spanish .i have English book

  47. Por favor me pueden decir cuando sale en español para descargarlo gracias!,

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