Available November 9, 2012
My dear friends. I have good news. Part 2 of The Blackstone Affair is complete and in the final editing stage. We have a release date of Friday, November 9th on Amazon and Smashwords. *Raine can hear the yelling and screaming*
You can’t pre-order but look for the book to be up by that day as I will do the upload on Thursday night and it takes about 12 hours to go live. Barnes & Noble takes a bit longer for some reason, but it will be up there too, and if for some reason it isn’t… you could still get the epub from Smashwords and have it on your Nook. 😉
To celebrate the release of All In, The Blackstone Affair, Part 2, I will be having a virtual party on Facebook put on by Release Day Diva that is a public event. If you are on Facebook and want to join just click on the link below and hang out with us. There will be fun games and great prizes and tons of Ethan pics to drool over.
All In Release Party ~ Monday, November 12th @ 12:00 pm P.S.T. on FACEBOOK
The book is nearly twice as long as Naked, coming in at over 61,000 words…and barely qualifying for novella status at this point. *shrugs* Oh well, what can I say? Ethan had a ton on his mind. I hope you will enjoy reading their story from Ethan’s head. I know I enjoyed writing every word!!!
HALLELUJAH! Now I can stop chain-smoking these awful cigarettes, lol. Lalalalalove you Raine!
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Counting! I have a date with Mr. Blackstone this Friday and I can’t wait!
Yippy!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, and muchos gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhh
Woo Hoo!!! Can’t wait Raine!! Awesome news! 😉
Yay!! Ok now this is the part where we all pester you for juuuuust one more excerpt — just to celebrate properly! I hope you’re feeling the love!
Yehey!!!! Supper good news!
YEEEEEHAAAAH Raine….well done…cant wait to read it!
I am so excited Raine….I loved the first book and have been waiting for this wonderful news. You are a wonderful author and you ROCK!!
It’ll be my birthday present…..
Raine you are an amazing writer! I love all of your books, especially the Blackstone Affair! I am so excited to read this book…..I know it will be great! Thank you!!!!!
Yeah!¡! Thank you, Raine Miller for hurrying and putting us out of our misery! We love your books.
Yes!!!! Well um… I’ll be finished the day of release, so umm when’s the next one 😉
Yea… Can not wait. Thank you so much for all your hard work.
oh i can’t wait. Reading the first book again. I need my Ethan fix
Yea!!!!! I know what I am doing next weekend. Can’t wait!
Best news ever thank you!!!!
YEAH! I was THRILLED to see your email announcement this morning!
I wish you continued success with this book!
Yay!! Can’t wait. So proud of you! *getting out my Bon Bons, sitting on the sofa, ignoring the hubs* OK, ready for Mr. Blackstone!
Can’t wait this is the best. News I will be reading this weekend
Yay!!!! Can’t wait to read it!!!!!
Ian so excited!!!!! I can hardly wait!
Yea!!! Can’t wait on the edge of my seat.
Your writing is so appreciated by this reader.
Woohooooooooo!!! I can’t waiiit!! Ok I have a question… Do you know when it will go to IBooks? I can get it on the nook too but I’m just curios.. :))))
My books get on iBooks through Smashwords but last time with Naked, it took about 2 weeks before Naked got in the iBooks catalog. It will be on Smashwords immediately and you can get the epub file that goes on your iPad if that’s how you prefer to read. Mobi is the kindle file. That is about the extent of my knowledge with all the tech stuff. *Raine is so NOT a techie*
Sorry to ask this I am no good with technology either. I tried looking up an app for smashwords and nothing came up. I can’t wait another 2 weeks for it to be available on iBooks. Any help please. Thanks.
Go to Smashwords.com https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/236642 (That is the Smashwords link for Naked) You just buy the book through Smashwords instead of iBooks. They will have the proper file for your device. Not a problem. You can also buy for iPad from Amazon. Did you know that?
Woohoo can’t wait!!!! My love Ethan is bacccckkk! Yea ahhh! Ok so I have a question, when will it be up on iBooks? I can get it on the nook from smashwords but I really like using my iBooks.. :))))
Great news!!! Thank you!!!
I have been literally STALKING your site for this news to be posted. Thank you a million times for making my weekend! 🙂 Can’t wait!!
Can’t wait – but I have a NOOK Tab right now (waiting for my new KIndle HD) so I’ll be waiting very impatiently for the B&N version!
Candace, you can buy the ebub off Smashwords and that will go on your Nook just fine. 😉
Thanks so much for the information. I really appreciate it!
Woo hoo! Can’t wait!
I couldn’t be more excited for this release! I <3 the story, I love Brynne and Ethan! I've read Naked twice so far and will probably read one more time before the release! I think Raine has done a fantastic job with Blackstone Series I and I'm dying in anticipation of Blackstone II ~ All In! The cover is so SEXY!!! Way to go Raine, I'll be checking my Kindle book store first think on 11/9! I'm dedicating that day to All In, Ethan, Brynne and of course Raine! Congrats and Cheers!
Finally. I can barely wait for Friday now.
Will you update us when it becomes available on iBooks? I use my iTunes gift cards to buy my books that way. I’m not familiar with Smashwords.
I forgot to mention that I am super excited to read this book. I can’t wait to read it.
Sweet baby Jesus! I re-read Naked today just to get the story back in my head. Thank you, Raine! So excited:)
So excited!!!!!
Yaaaayyyy Raine!!!!! Super excited!
I can’t wait!! Thank you Raine!!! Friday can’t come fast enough!!!
I am so happy! Can’t wait to read All In.
Thank you for letting us know! I’ve been waiting patiently. Off to reread Naked again.
Can we get another snippet?
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Naked! You’ve made me one happy camper with All In coming out 11/9/12. I’ve got to say, I really appreciate you not making us wait an eternity (like some authors, that will remain anonymous, but it was the third book in the trilogy that was suppose to come out in Oct 2012) !!! Thank You!!!
What book is that if you don’t mind me asking? Making sure I don’t miss anything good worth reading!
All In, Part 2 of The Blackstone Affair by Raine Miller
Congratulations on finishing the book!!! I am definately looking forward to 11/9/12 now…
I’m so happy for you :-). You’re amazing Raine.
I am so excited. I am so looking forward to reading it.I can’t wait until Friday
Well I know what I have planed for Friday night lol love love this story thanks so much
I just finished Naked today, actually I started and finished it today. Thankfully I didn’t have a lot going on because it wouldn’t have been done anyway 🙂 I love Ethan and Brynne! WOW and when it ended I was so mad! I’m happy now that it’s not that far away from All In!! Great book
So excited! Love you Raine, your so awesome!
So happy to hear that “All In” will be mine in a few days. I will now reread “Naked” just to be completely ready. I’ll be on Amazon at midnight-waiting.
Ok, so when is book 3 coming out because I already know I’ll be done with book 2 by the end of Friday! 🙂
That just made my day!!! Woo hoo!!
3 days REALLY????? Can it be oh this is sooooo awesome
WHy doesn’t Amazon have it so we can pre-orderh
It is an indie pub’d book. You cannot pre-order indie books.
I freaking love you Raine!!!!
So excited and so happy for you, Raine! Looking forward to reading more of your work — can not wait until Friday! Will be the best birthday present ever
Happy Birthday, Jan!
soooooo excited!!!!!! Can not wait to read it this weekend.
Thank heavens! I can breathe again! Thinking bout taking a mental health day from work just to sit and read this book!!!! Very excite to see what never means to Ethan and how he show it to Brynne!!!,
Will the book be available on ibooks?
My books get on iBooks through Smashwords but last time with Naked, it took about 2 weeks before Naked got in the iBooks catalog. It will be on Smashwords immediately and you can get the epub file that goes on your iPad if that’s how you prefer to read.
Ok thanks but I cant wait another 2 weeks.
Then you can get it from Smashwords (same price and the correct file for your iPad) I will post the link on my Facebook and blog.
Friday simply cannot come quickly enough!!! I also plan to reread “Naked” on Thursday before “All In” is released on Friday. will the third book still come out in December 2012? I really hope so! 😉
Omg I almost stopped breathing I can not wait….while I watch my 1week old new born son sleep ill be wrapped up in your book ha!!!!
Is it Friday yet? Gonna have to reread Naked to pass the time!
When will it come out on barnes and noble
I am SO excited. I always wanted to be a reader and just started this past summer and have read several books now but Naked is my all time favorite. I can’t wait to read it…I have a date with All In on Friday…woo woo!!!
Counting down the hours until I get to see how Ethan will get Brynne back. Ethan’s point of view in “All In” should be interesting and sexy! Can’t wait until TGIF!
I got my kicks today when I declared to my husband that he was not to bother me Friday night as I will be locking myself away with plenty of wine and the deliciousness that is Mr B! Poor guy…….once he recovered from my blatant admission he went off like a rocket. I even had the audacity to ask him if he would like to meet Mr B. I walked away and came back a moment later holding Part 1 out to him. I’ve got to keep the marriage interesting LOL
All in for ALL IN…step aside Hubby and welcome back Ethan!! 😉 Raine continued success and thank you
As so many have already said, I too am re-reading “Naked” today. Love it as much now as the first time I read it. The end is killer though!!! GEEZ!!! I don’t know if I can take another cliff-hanger like that….I was yelling, “What?!!!! What?!!! What?!!!!!” at my poor screen. The anticipation of “All In” is exhilarating. I am SO looking forward to tomorrow! I plan to devour it immediately ’cause I’m sure it will be delicious!
Hi Raine. Are you going to post a message once you upload All In? I can’t wait to read it asap.
I can’t wait either.
Time so slow today. I don’t even know if I can get any sleep tonight. Too excited for All In…
I’m from Australia and it’s already 3.35pm on the 9th of November. What time is the book to be published. I can not wait any longer I’m literally going to combust hahahahahaha
I’m in Australia as well and I have been checking non-stop and nothing yet. Just re-reading Naked again to be fresh. And Oh my I love Ethan so much!!
We still have to wait until it’s Friday in America. So not fair, I can wait anymore. I keep checking too even though I know it’s not the 9th yet overseas.
It’s on smash words right now I’m in Japan and I got it 330 this afternoon
The Book is Finaly on AMAZON , in Chapter 3 already soo freaking happy
Raine I live in South Africa. So it has been the 9 Nov for a while. I’m still waiting for the book to be released. Please let us know when you have published the book on Amazon. I’m so excited I can’t wait. So close but yet so far.
It’s 5:30 a.m. Central time and I cannot find All In on Amazon. Is there a relase time? I am dying!!!!
Not on Amazon yet
Just checked amazon and could not find it.
Where’s the book though? I’ve looked on both ibooks and amazon but can’t find it. Someone put me out o my miseries!!!
Go to smash books I think and it will down load to your Kindel or ibooks
Got up early so I could go to Amazon and get it on my tap. First thing this morning then get kids of to school and have a me day lol but it is not there think I’m about to cry 🙁
I am not able to find Part two on my Kindel today is the 9th I am dying I need to read book to like right now OMG helo me peopel why cant i find the book on AMAZON
All In is available on Smashwords now…Yea!!!
I’ve looked and refreshed amazon a billion times……..
Go to smash words and u can get it there for Kindel iBooks whatever
Its not showing on amazon ugh tear
Nov. 9 were is it ????
It’s on amazon now!!!!!woohoo! Peace out people see you on the other side ofALL IN!
When will it be on AMAZON…. this is killin me. The waiting is no fun. Re-read naked, now and totally ready for All In…. Hurry up already !!!!
Just purchased from Amazon. I’ve been looking since 5:00 AM. YAY! So excited. Can’t wait to get done work so I can read it. Thanks Raine!
Bought it through Smashwords. Used it for the first time and it’s very easy. You can download for your kindle. I’m almost through….it is fantastic!!! Who needs Christian when you can have Ethan 🙂
Hi Chioli
How did you find it. Please help
I followed Raine’s link.
Just checked Amazon again and still cant find it…..uggggg
I can’t find it on Amazon. Will it be later today?
I can’t find it on Smashwords or Amazon 🙁
I GOT IT!!!!!! Now to excited to read
It’s here! It’s here! Yay! 😀
It’s active on Amazon now too…happy reading!
Thank you
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I can’t find it on my kindle fire which uses amazon. How are you all getting it?
Raine stayed up all night reading All In. It was amazing, one if the characters even has my daughters name Zara. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for Ethan an Brynne. I think I have an idea of what’s happening with Brynne. Just wondering if you are still planning for it to be a trilogy? It just seems like there’s some much left to happen with these two. Thank you for another wonderful read.
It’s well after noon here and it still isn’t showing up on Amazon for me. Agonizing!
Thank you!! 🙂
I can’t find it on Amazon… HELP!
Still can’t find it
OMG! Thanks for the link! I’ve been checking Amazon like a crazy lady and couldn’t find it anywhere! Just downloaded it and can’t wait to get started!!! Love you guys!
It took me FOREVER to find it so posting the link was easiest way 🙂 Enjoy! I am 50 pages in already 🙂
This link doesnt work anymore. Has “All In” been removed from Amazon?
Its also no longer on Smashwords?
Megan. Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/All-In-ebook/dp/B00AHE268I
Thank you!!!
Read it love it when would the next book would be release going crazy trying to figure out what would happen
Loved it but it ended too soon. Is Brynne preggers?
When does part 3 come out? LOL!
Me encanto Raine… I love it… all the details even the Dads cat… can wait for more
Omg the 2nd book was great …I’m in love with Ethan blackstone he is do raw and so blunt and o so sexy lol!!!!! Can’t wait for book 3 to see what danger is coming their way!!!!!
Raine, thank you so much for another captivating book! I love that we get to see Ethan’s POV, it’s nice to read a man so expressive, and verbal with his feelings. Love that you left it with a cliffhanger. Look forward to book 3….any projected release date?
Raine, again awesome job. Read it twice.I loved his POV and I can’t wait till December! What a lovely Christmas present to myself that will be. I wait in excitement.
Just finished and LOVED IT!!!! Thank you soooo much. Please now hurry with part 3
as I can’t wait too see what happens next.
I am so in love with story! awesome awesome awesome!!!! I can’t wait to read book 3. I also can’ t wait for Gaby and Ivan story.
Hi Ms. Miller, I just finished book 2, and it was amazing sequel. I loved reading from Ethan’s POV. Wow, he was so raw, honest, and so freaking funny that I couldn’t stop laughing. I love Ethan and Brynne’s chemistry their love for each other is so powerful. I can’t wait for book 3, specially if it’s true what I’m guessing about Brynne. I’m so excited , please hurry with book 3. Ms. Miller thank you for writing a great series. Also, I’m excited to know you’ll be writing about Gaby and Ivan. Thank you.
Thank you, Bridget!!! I am so happy you enjoyed Ethan’s POV. He loves his Brynne so much!
I’m reading the Libertine now…is Jeremy Greymont, Ethan Blackstone sister Hannah husband’s greatgrandfather?
The way the property in Halloborough’s description in the book is the exact way it was described by Ethan when he and Brynne arrived at then end of “All In”.
I love your books and is hoping you will continue the Ethan Brynn affair till at least book 5 lol.
Hi Kaili!! Yes!! Jeremy Greymont is the ancestor of Ethan’s brother-in-law, Freddy Greymont. The house is the same house. I love to incorporate my historicals with the contemporary stories. I get a kick out it when people discover the connection! *hugs*
Why is this not available an Amazon anymore? I just read Naked and cant wait to read this.one! Is there anywhere else I can get this?
Hi, Raine loved all two books!!!
When is the third book due? Any dates already? Happy new year!