The Word Around RT…x3

My first convention.  My grade report?  I’d give it an A-.  The venue is nice, the people are friendly, and the swag is plentiful.  I’ve been here 12 hours and have received 12 free books so far, numerous reading ephemera and made some writer friends who may just be the coup of this whole thing.  You see, they know what they’re talking about.

I sat in several workshops today and one theme was repeated, and repeated, and repeated.

…Digital romance publishing is growing so big, sooooooo fast that people are afraid to predict just how big it’s going to get.

I listened to author after author after author tell me how they make more money on their e-pubs than on their mass-market publications.  Another very nice, multi-pub’d author (someone I had heard of before I came here) told me about how she’s recently made the foray into self-publishing with two novellas that have done nothing but sell, sell, sell.  (Are you feeling the triplicate theme here?)  The bottom line on your self-published books:  You get to keep all of the $ on those.

So what’s a newbie authoress to do?  Nothing rash, that”s for sure.  I’ll keep my options open and keep writing books.  That was the second most oft heard nugget of wisdom:

“The best thing you can do to publicize your writing career is to write another book.”  And another, and another, and another…




  1. Sounds like some great advice. I wish I could have been there, but maybe next year. You are an amzing writer and I loved reading your book. You need to take their advice and write, write, write. Cant wait to read more.

  2. Becky Lees says

    This is what I keep hearing too, Raine, in regards to e-pubs.
    I hope I can go next year and hear about it in person!

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