So there’s this guy who wrote a book called The DaVinci Code some time ago. Name’s Dan Brown, and he writes some really great stories. I can remember so well Memorial Day 2003 at my house. We had a group over and we were all talking about DaVinci Code and how much we all loved the book. I think I bought a hardcover for my mom to read and she was engrossed for most of the party as she devoured the pages. I know I had major book hangover when I finished reading it–I definitely remember feeling bereft!
That all happened ten years ago.
Flash forward to 2013 and it’s the same time of year, and again, we have a gathering at our house for the Memorial Day holiday. Dan Brown’s new book, Inferno, was mentioned a few times throughout the day, but I have not yet had a chance to read it. I’m sure I will enjoy it very much…once I finally have the time to sit down with it. So why am I rambling, you ask?
Well in those ten years some things have changed for me too. I worked hard at my teaching job and raising two amazing kids with my husband. I read a lot of good books like The DaVinci Code, and accomplished some things I’ve always wanted to do. But at some point during those ten years, I started writing my own book. Finished it and wrote another. Then I got a manuscript accepted by a publisher…and that was the beginning of my career as an author. I’ve never stopped writing and have no plans to do so either.
On Tuesday, May 14th, 2013, Dan Brown released his new book.
So did I.
One week later the New York Times Bestsellers Lists came out, and this is where the really surreal, crazy part comes.
I don’t even need to say it. The picture tells all. Hell, I’ll say it anyway…
Somehow, some way, my Eyes Wide Open sits at #2 right below Dan Brown’s Inferno on the New York Times Book Review. I still have to ask myself if that’s real… Another little ironic twist of fate are the words I have on my dedication page in Eyes Wide Open:
The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.
Leonardo DaVinci
Yeah, I had no idea when I chose that beautiful quote months ago… Oh, but I do have one question for you, Dan Brown. Why couldn’t you have released your book just one little insignificant week later?
xxoo R
What, it didn’t make No. 1 first week of release?! Loved it! Can’t wait for the next one–good job! Can’t wait to see what peaches turns into. Seriously, need to know like yesterday–cantaloupe, watermelon, or other?
Thanks for your amazing worlds, Raine! They are wonderful.
Yours fondly,
Thank you for your kind words, Marcie. <3
Well damn, he just couldn’t wait huh Raine. That totally sucks but honestly yes he is a good author and his books are good, but I truly love the Blackstone Affair books. They totally rock girlfriend. I am awaiting the new book….GAAAHHH it’s a lllloooonnnngggg wait hehe.
It will be here before you know it, Kim. 😉
Trumpets and violins I hear in the distance,
I think they’re calling our name.
Maybe now you can’t hear them,
But you will, if you just take hold of my hand.
Are you on something, Camaro_Child?
Waiting to see your name behind that #1 ! How awesome for you. Congratulations! You deserve it.
xxoo Thanks, Suz
Congratulations on Number 2! This truly was an amazing book and series. I can’t wait for the next book to see what life has in store for Ethan, Brynne, and the little one. Keep up the wonderful writing – the number 1 spot is in your future.
Thank you, Ashley. Such kind words. xxoo R
Wow! Congratulations!!! In ten years I hope to be able to say the same things 🙂
Just finished reading EWO and loved it but sad that it was the last book in that series. Of course, now when I see Ethan, I see Mr. Gandy! And that’s not a bad thin at all! I have also completed my own first erotic romance and will soon be looking for a publisher. My husband is beginning to look at world cruises, while I would be deliriously happy if the book just made it to our local bookstores!
My 2nd read through the series was accompanied by the audio versions….ladies!!!! Take Mr Gandy, add Shane East’s voice reading Ms Miller’s words…and you have a recipe headier than a pack of Djarums. Sizzle! Highly recommend the treat.