Moving forward…

A dear friend found this picture and it just seemed too perfect for our lovers from The Blackstone Affair to pass up.  Ethan is cherishing his girl, and Brynne is holding on to his back just above where his scars would be.  *sigh*  Ethan cannot change how he feels any more than he can stop time.  He’s just moving forward in the only way he knows how to.  I hope you are enjoying the journey of these two.  I know I am loving writing it.

Status update:  Still very busy writing Eyes Wide Open and taking my time to make it the best book it can be.  You wouldn’t want anything less and I wouldn’t dream of delivering less.  There will be some wonderful news coming early next week that I’m looking forward to sharing, but until then, it’s back to the writing cave for moi.  I have a list a mile long of things that need doing that definitely don’t get done on their own.  Like Christmas shopping for a couple of young men I know.  *Dreams of having an app that takes care of my to-do list for me*

I hope everyone is gearing up for the holidays and enjoying this time of the year with family and friends. *blows a kiss*

Blessings, my darlings.


  1. Beautiful! Can’t wait for EWO. ¡Feliz Navidad!

  2. exclusiverob says

    This is truly a beautiful picture of Ethan and Brynne. Thank you so much. So looking forward to “Eyes Wide Open”
    I hope you and your family have a Happy Holiday season

  3. OMG!!! If I’m not careful I could tear up!!! This is perfect. I did not realize this is exactly how I would picture them. I now know!!!! Thanks for the wakeup.

  4. What a great picture! Cannot wait for the next book. I really have enjoyed all of your books. Thanks for just letting me get lost in reading for a few hours.

  5. Tracy Lynch says

    Ohhhhh! What a perfect pic!!!! All in:-) So looking forward to the next book!!!

  6. Love the picture! Thanks for the update and can’t wait to read the next book. 🙂
    Happy Holidays to you and all your fans. 🙂

  7. That is senual to the maxium degree of hotnes!!!

  8. Suzanne Hoy says

    Waiting for this book is torture!!! Ethen and Brynne are perfect , my heart can’t wait to see what the next book holds for them and us as readers!!!

  9. I can’t wait!! I want to know how this series ends, yet I don’t. I don’t want it to be over!!

  10. Maria Mendez says

    OMG love the picture!!!!!!! And thank so much for the update 🙂

  11. Carole Cohen says

    Can’t wait for release. Looking forward for this 3rd release. Carole C.

    Sent from my iPhone

  12. Sue Griffiths says

    I love this story of Brynn and Ethan and I love your style of writing. I am going to re-read the first two books so that I will be ready for your new one when it comes out. I anxiously awaiting the next part of this story. Merry Christmas!

  13. Thank your for the update and happy writing. I’m so looking forward to everything new you have coming out!! Happy holidays!!

  14. I will be there at Midnight again for this release, it was so much crazy fun waiting for All in to come out, I’m sure it will be worth the wait for Eyes Wide Open 🙂 Happy Writing and Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy coming New Year!! xx

  15. Absolutely excited!!

  16. Love this photo. It totally fits. Keep writing, as I can’t wait to read the next book, but I also want you to enjoy this wonderful holiday season.

  17. love the photo! Waiting impatiently for the next book!

  18. Kim McBride says

    Have a wonderful and safe holiday. I cannot wait for the third book. I love Ethan and Brynn. The picture you posted put faces to them. I also love how you wrote from Ethan point of view. Keep writing books like this……Iwill always be a fan…..thanks.

  19. Love the pic and I so love love love your story. I’m waiting as patiently as one can for the next book. You can’t blame a girl for loving a good story and just wanting more for it. Write it good Raine and long if possible. Thanks so much you are Awsome!!!!

  20. Seeing that picture and it being just as I would imagine. Really spot on. Really looking forward to reading more of Ethan and Brynne’s love story. So happy to see you will be in Boston in March. Until then, Have a Blessed Christmas Season!


  22. Enjoying the story so much! Picture is perfect as they always need to be touching each other…never to let go. Have a wonderful & safe holiday season.

  23. can’t wait! 🙂

  24. para cuando podre comprar la 3 parte en español aaaaa y muchisimas felicidades por sus libros me encantan

    • No estoy seguro de cuando el tercer libro será traducido al español … espero que para el verano de 2013 lo será si tuviera que adivinar. Gracias por escribirme.

      Todo lo mejor,


  25. ya quiero leer la tercera parte me encantan pero para cuando saldrá?

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