Naked (The Blackstone Affair #1) by Raine Miller

I think this is my favorite review of Naked to date. I love the format these two use to put up a review–BRILLIANT!


  1. brittany miller says

    I have to say I am all in to the so called (mommy porns ) right now i love 50 shades of grey and the bared to you series But when i cam acroos this book yes i wish is was longer but by far tghis is the best book i have read. I really hope you keep the story of this couple going.

    • Thank you so much for that lovely compliment, Brittany. And YES, the series is continuing on. Book 2 will be out soon and you will get to discover what is going on with Ethan and Brynne.

      • Tana Francis says

        I completley agree!!! I have read many of the (mommy porn) and yes I would have to say I am addicted, however the way that book one of Naked ended was so unfair!!!! ….When is the second one coming out? I do not know how much longer I can take it I need to know who was in there, I cant sleep….This book was amazing and one of those “can’t put down books” Can you give us an idea of when book 2 will be out?

  2. So, Raine, what’s the latest news on a release date for All In? We’re all waiting oh-so (im)patiently! 🙂

  3. Hello, the book is very refreshing ! you made my day, I feel so happy and I loved the detail about the mexican food and beer, Im from Mexico… I felt in love inmediatly 🙂 cant wait for the second book..

  4. i absolutely loved the first book and am (im)patiently awaiting the release of the second book. Is there any news of when that will be?

  5. Please give us an idea of when the book will be released

  6. Waiting for All in is driving me crazy. I miss Ethan. 🙁

  7. Oh gosh I just finished naked in one session. Here I was all prepared to kindle the second then BAM! I was hit with a sledge hammer of disappointment 🙁 not one to rush a beautiful talented mind but I’m dying here!! Sigh.

  8. Desperately awaiting book 2!!! Need a release date….

  9. Carol Soriano says

    Raine can you give us a hint as to when “All in” will come out. I’ve been checking every day.

  10. Joyce Misner says

    I also read 50 shades of grey, and the Crossfire Series, and when I started reading Naked, I couldn’t put it down. Read it a day and half. Also spent hours searing for the next Series All in All. Your book kept me on edge and never made me cringe or turn the page not reading it, like 50 shades of grey. woman can relate to this book, and fall asleep having wonderful dreams. Please keep up the Good Work, and Keep writing.
    Joyce, a Grandma from Michigan

  11. I loved this book Naked!! I could not put it down, My kindle when everywhere with me beit the bathroom or in bed. I just wanting to read more, than it ended a sad face then I seen book two. then smile face! Thanks! Love It!!

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