Okay, I am dying for this book and gratefully only have a week left to wait for it. If JR can improve on LOVER MINE (and I don’t see how she can) then I’m going to be AWOL for a couple days while I read this. If you’ve never read JR Ward, then you are missing out BIG TIME. Every person I’ve ever turned on to her has become a fan of her stories. She also writes contemporary romance under the name Jessica Bird. Every story leaves me dying for more. The characters in every one of her books are so unique and finely crafted that they’ve become real people in my head, not to mention the amazing world they live in. JR Ward is on my shortlist of “bookshelf” authors. I read most everything on my Kindle. I order hardbacks of those special books that will have a place on my bookshelf until time immemorial. LOVER UNLEASHED gets that honor even before I’ve read it. Now that’s sayin something.
Only 4 more days to go until the 29th!