My Lord…Finally!

Yes.  It’s true.  My Lord has a publish date and is available to pre-order on all platforms.  *huge smile*  There were times I thought this day would never come, but something good has happened in 2020 in this regard at least.  Ivan and Gaby will be getting the next part of their love story at last…and you can read it in January!  *cele-freaking-bration time*

-January 8, 2021-

Is the big day.  It’s a Friday so as to give you the weekend to read if you’re one who’s been patiently waiting six long years for this book.  If you’re at all interested in the whys and how comes it’s taken that long to bring this book out so you can finally read the full tale of Ivan and Gaby’s story… you can read my blog comments about it HERE.  So… while this is not a cover reveal, it is a reveal of sorts to announce that My Lord will be here on the 8th of January.  I can end this nightmare of Covid 2020 on a happy note by bringing this book out to you at least.  I take that as a remarkable blessing.  The Universal pre-order link is below. Paperback and Audio links will be added in the coming weeks.

Head on over to the My Lord page for some teasers to get you back in the mood with these two. I’ll be posting a lot more along with snippets on my social media in the coming days and weeks. Follow my Instagram to get all of them.

Image courtesy of Selma and Sejla Ibrahimpasic.