Raine is breathing a sigh of relief and feeling like a long sleep would be the order of the day, except it is 1:00 am in the morning and I seem to have forgotten when I should be sleeping and what constitutes day or night. Or maybe I just stay awake most of the time for the hell of it. Just kidding… Really, I am happily content that another book has launched and is safely into the hands of readers who tell me they like reading my books. *big grin* This is always a thrill for me, as I imagine it is for any author who creates characters that feel like they are real people, but especially because I created Ethan Blackstone and Brynne Bennett by accident. I wasn’t looking for them or even thinking about their story. Far from it–I was working on two other projects when I discovered the photo that would become the cover for Naked. I love that I started the series on a whim and a whisper of an idea. I often wonder what I would be doing right now if I hadn’t started writing their story. Those two have come a long way in a very short time and I hope you enjoy the evolution of their love in Eyes Wide Open.
If you’ve been on Goodreads then you know that a 4th Blackstone book is in the works. It will be more of a standalone story, taking Ethan and Brynne beyond the happily ever after at the end of most books. There is so much more still to come for these two that I discovered while writing book 3, and I am eager to share it with readers. Stories often take on lives of their own and just have to be told the way they wish to be told. *shrugs* It’s out of my control really. No explanation or justification needed, merely a fact. If you write, then you understand what I mean.
I’ll leave you with one of my favorite photos of the perfect physical interpretation of Ethan Blackstone, the sublime David James Gandy. You can follow Mr. Gandy here: and I urge you to do so. He is an interesting guy. Not bad to look at either. *wink*