Release Day Giveaway~The Undoing of a Libertine

To celebrate the release of The Undoing of a Libertine on Tuesday (February 7th), I’m giving away a copy of the book.  To enter, all you must do is leave a comment on this blog and an email where I can find you. Winner will be announced that evening after other pressing duties are fulfilled, ie:  day job, taxi service for teenagers, meal preparation, etc.  What happened to my champagne and celebratory dinner?  I’m sure that got forgotten by accident.  Surely I will come home to a surprise party…  *snickers*

Attention please…  Aretha is the winner of a copy of The Undoing of a Libertine.  And all I have to say is thank the gods for because I would never be able to choose a winner on my own.  Congrats, Aretha and happy reading~

Now for a little tease of what’s inside this marvelous book.


Georgina started to drop, and Jeremy reached out his arms instinctively. He got to her just before she hit the floor. Her head lolling back, limp and lifeless in his arms—he realized she’d fainted dead away.

Carrying her over to the chaise, he laid her down carefully, supporting her neck. He poured water from the pitcher and wet his handkerchief to press against her cheeks and forehead. Her skin looked pale, and she felt thinner to him. She hadn’t weighed enough when he’d lifted her. Please don’t let her be ill, he prayed, feeling himself break into a sweat. He should have never accepted her refusal last time, should have been with her all these weeks.

An errant thought popped into his mind that she looked just like Sleeping Beauty from the fairy tale. Caressing her face, he said, “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Georgina, please wake up!” He shook her a little, still calling her name before he couldn’t wait another second. Cupping both sides of her face, he tilted her so he could reach her mouth and brought his own down close. Jeremy’s lips met Georgina’s lips. Velvety. Warm. So sweet.

Time stopped dead, or maybe he’d just died and gone to heaven. He was kissing an angel, and he could smell roses. The touch of her breath brushed into him, the taste of her infused his blood with incredible need. Cradled in his hands, he kissed her over and over. And for a beautiful instant, all was well in the world. It truly felt like it because she opened her eyes just then and spoke to him.

“Is it really you?” Her voice sounded deep and a little rough.

“You fainted,” he said, stupidly. “I kissed you, and you woke up. Are you well?” he croaked, feeling like he might need to lie down himself.

“I—I thought you were going to be—” She shook her head as if to clear it. “I never thought you’d come back here, or want me.”

“I can’t do anything else, and I don’t care about—what has happened in the past, other than you being hurt by it. I do want you. I want you, Georgina. Marry me. Be with me.”