This whole experience of publishing Priceless has been…….well, priceless. Amazon decided to go ahead and roll it out today instead of the 12th. Please know I have zero control over this situation. Regardless of what I planned, the book is now live on Amazon and can be purchased from the links below. If you pre-ordered it from Amazon previously, and got an email informing you of the cancellation, then you need to buy it again with the new link. Sorry for the confusion, you and me both on that. If you pre-ordered from another vendor, it won’t be live until the 12th on iBooks, KOBO, and Nook.
I do hope you enjoy Ivan and Gabrielle. They know how to have a good time together once they figure it out. *snickers and goes off to drink a blueberry mojito*
Dear Ms Miller,
No worries. Your updates regarding the “Priceless” Amazon pre-order problems have been most helpful. I’m going to “re” purchase your book as soon as I post this comment.
I hope you are able to enjoy your book’s release as much as I know I will enjoy reading it. (As I do all your books) Thank you so much from a loyal fan.
Just wondering, how many books are there for Ivan & Gabrielle?
At least 3, maybe more books for other couples.
I bought Priceless yesterday (Thx for the heads up) and finished it already. I’m hooked. Now the wait for book II begins… do you have a title for it yet??? Thx! Really love your characters and can’t wait to learn more about Ivan and Gaby ♡
My Lord.
You said there will be at least 3 books in this series, any hint of when the next two will come out? I HATE to start reading something and have to wait however long to get into the next chapter. I knw this is the current trend with publishers but it drives me flicking crazy!
Hola Raine!!, me encantan tus libros, me gustaría saber, cuando saldrá publicado en español Priceless? Un beso.
I am not sure yet if I will self publish Priceless into Spanish, or if Spain editorial will do it. We are discussing now. Thank you!!
I have read almost all your books e-books that is lol (it’s easier to put in by purse) I started with with the naked series which if I must say was the best and yes I have read it more then once. Now with this book I just couldn’t put it down either I know your working hard to get the second book out so I can be patient, plus gives me a reason to read His perfect passion (awesome yes another book I’ve read more then once). Well just wanted to give you the thumbs up on your writing and to please send some snipets if possible. Oh I do have a question though when would the second book come out on iBooks i do know that they tend to take longer that others.
Thank you again
Hi Claudia. When My Lord publishes it will go live on all of the platforms at the same time. The process has gotten easier to time everything so you shouldn’t have to wait any longer for iBooks than you do for Amazon or Nook. Thank you for your message.
Please tell us what’s going on with My Lord–when will it be published???
Thank you
Hi! Ms. Miller –
I am SUCH A FAN of your writing!! I read my first RMR and could not get enough! I then read EVERYTHING of yours I could get my hands on. Your last release, “The Muse” DID NOT disappoint!! I am patiently waiting for “My Lord” now. I know you have had your plate full with the loss of your father, etc. My heart aches for you. Having lost my mother to cancer several years ago I know the loss has been VERY difficult for me. I cannot imagine trying to self-publish a book, or do anything productive for that matter, during the early grief process. So, I am wanting to not sound impatient, but you used to have a countdown going for the “My Lord” release and now it is gone. Are you still planning a release? Thank you,
Cats B.
I absolutely loathe to delve into my personal life on here but you asked so nicely I feel some kind of statement from me is warranted. Yes, I am still planning to release My Lord. I took the countdown away because, quite simply, I can’t say the date it will be ready. I know this is not the news you want to hear probably, but it is the truth. I am still writing the book and it is not finished yet. Some days I don’t write, or can’t write because of what is going on with my mother. She is dying. This very harsh truth is what’s happening with me and the book. It is no more complicated that that. My father passed away last April after a long illness, and now my mother is following him to that same end. Unfortunately for My Lord, the timing has put it smack in the middle of traumatic life events, and it is very hard for me to face writing it at all most of the time. Honestly, some days I wish I could just put it away in a box and stash it under my bed and never write another word on it. Association with sad things you see. 🙁
Believe me, I’ve lost sleep over writing this book. Many, many nights worth. But that doesn’t help it be written any faster. I know that Gaby and Ivan’s story is left unfinished at the moment, but I hope readers can take heart that they are together and close at the point where Priceless ends. Ivan wants to keep her and Gaby is allowing herself to be cherished by a man who isn’t afraid to show her how far he’ll go to make her stay. I don’t feel they are in a bad place at all.
I will finish their story, and My Lord will be published, but I can’t give you more specifics than that. If I lose readership over this, then I accept that as life. It’s just life, but it’s MY life and nobody else’s. I can’t do anything different than I am doing and we all have to face up to the hand we are dealt. My life cards are pretty much crap at the moment and I am too exhausted to bluff, but not quite ready to fold just yet. I am still in the game, and as soon as I have something to report for My Lord I most certainly will.
My very best,
*******************************Update 5/25/2015**********************************
I’ve been reluctant to share this with everyone because I just wasn’t ready to, but my sweet momma went away from this earth to be with my dad on Sunday morning. She was sick for a long time, and didn’t have an easy journey getting away but I am joyful she is now free, <3 and rather than being sad about losing her, I want to share some of the things she loved during her eighty-seven years of life.
My mom loved learning and still enrolled herself in graduate level courses up into her seventies. She always said, “Don’t ever assume there isn’t plenty still to learn.”
She loved to write poetry, had several of her poems published in literary anthologies. She encouraged me to try writing and got me a subscription to Writer’s Digest — my first push towards what would become my career.
She loved that I had become a writer and asked me about my books every time we spoke. When she was bedridden near the end and unable to read on her own, she asked me to read out loud to her from The Passion of Darius.
She loved tacos from Taco Bell, catfish, picking wild blackberries, tapioca pudding, playing the card game, Bridge, and playing us songs on her harmonica. She was really good, too!
She loved politics, debating the news of the day, and horoscope charts. She was a Virgo Earth Sign and admired Michelle Obama. LOL
She was a LA Lakers fan and watched the games religiously. She could tell you everything there was to know about Kareem and Magic. It was adorable.
She loved to wear white blouses and she loved her rings. Jewels were something she prized and had many of every color and size.
Rest in Peace, Mom, and…thank you for being my perfect mother. <3
Dora M. Rainey
~September 17, 1927 to May 17, 2015~
Thank you to Hospice of the Valleys and Wildomar Senior Leisure Communities for taking such good care of her for the duration of her journey. I am ever grateful.
******************************Update March 19, 2016**********************************
Hi my friends,
It’s time to update people on what’s been happening with My Lord. 😕 Many times I’ve felt this poor book was doomed from the start, and it hurts me to even think that let alone have to speak those words out loud. 😢
You all know my mother died in May last year. Leading up to her passing was very stressful emotionally, and I wasn’t able to work on the book. Understandable I think. Then she died and I was busy settling her estate and tying up all the business that must be handled when a person dies. Again, stressful and emotionally draining. So, by the end of July, I was ready to start writing again. We took a family trip to Hawaii which was a bit poignant because it would be our last together before our oldest went away to college. I struggled with him leaving the nest so soon after losing my mom. I was a mess, to put it mildly.
So three days into my trip I get an email from a law firm in Texas informing me I am being sued. I won’t get into specifics, because I cannot, but what happened was all of my planned-but-not-yet-published books were entangled into this contractual dispute, and my hands have been tied for publishing My LORD, My CAPTAIN, HEART and ARROW, LADY PERCIVAL, and the other 2 historicals after The MUSE. Even if they were completely written, I’ve been advised to wait while this legal mess is resolved.
To be blunt, I’ve been in a continual mindf#@k since August. I HAVE been writing, though. Pretty much losing my mind, but doing my best to bring you some new characters and new stories. These past 12 months have been the hardest time in my life, and yet I’ve learned a lot about myself, and about my goals. And you know what??? It’s all gonna work out. 😉 You have book 1 in my new Blackstone Dynasty series coming this fall from Montlake, plus some new standalones I plan to start self-publishing. Books are coming. I promise.
This past week I got some encouraging news in regards to the contractual dispute, and it looks like My LORD will be given a pass. I will not announce a publish date until it is in my editor’s hands, and I have preorder links to give you, but it WILL be published. I know many were worried My LORD would never come, and honestly, I was worried too for a while, but now I am hopeful I will be allowed to bring you the conclusion to Ivan and Gaby’s love story. ❤
xxoo R
****************Update: January 27, 2017*********************
Thank you for your kind words, they mean so much. My Lord has been dragged through the ringer for sure, and at times I have despaired it would ever see the light of day. The writing was delayed at first by the illness and death of my mother where I struggled to write at all. Then, six weeks after I buried her I was served a lawsuit by a small press publisher for sequel rights (all of my published books, as well as all planned books, were attached in the lawsuit) that has finally resolved after a year and a half. Then last month I had a concerning episode that led me to the ER with a suspected heart attack. I had tests and an angiogram which determined it wasn’t a heart attack per se, but a heart spasm that requires medication and other life changes. Stress being one thing that needs to be reduced. Stat. I am doing my best to make that happen and will leave it there for now. Please know that I have not abandoned Ivan and Gaby. Their book will come at some point.
When that time comes I know I will be absolutely thrilled to announce that My Lord will be self-published by me. I hope it’s soon. 🙂
P.S. Gaby and Ivan’s story will be complete with a duet (PRICELESS & MY LORD). I have planned at least two further books in the Rothvale Legacy series about other couples: Book 3 (HEART and ARROW) is about Gaby’s sister, Dani, and Desmond Thorne which you read the tease in last year’s Christmas story “Christmas Carols” and then the 4th book about some related new characters you haven’t met yet.
***************Update July 9, 2020***********************
I mentioned in my newsletter today that I was hard at work on a certain book that people have been wondering about for a LONG, LONG time. Yes, you heard that right. My Lord will be published in 2020. End of!
God’s peace be with you, Raine.
As a faithful fan/reader I can ask no more of you than what you are able to give. My heart goes out to you, as I have been in your shoes.
Hugs to you – CB
Please do not fret over this. I will always be a fan. Also, I’ve been through what you are going through now. I’m sure you feel conflicted about your life and your career, but you have to do what’s right for you. Take care……….
Dear Raine,
So sorry to hear of your parents’ situations. I’m an orphan, although my parents passed while I was in my 30’s. I still miss them terribly. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this very trying time. All my best, Celia
Sending you much love and peace. I’ll never leave. Thank you.
I pray that what ever time you have left with your mom is special and that God gives you comfort through it. I’ll be waiting until your ready to come back.
I just lost my mother and am now caring for my ill father while trying to work and raise my family. Take the time you need for your mother and especially yourself. That is what is important right now. I will wait for Gaby and Ivan. Take care.
God bless you, I’m so sorry for your losses, I pray that you find some peace soon. I’ve read and reread your books countless times, and will continue to read them. Your am amazing writer, and when you’re able, I look forward to reading My Lord.
A fan forever!
Nothing is more important than time with your Mom. Cherish every second. When you are ready no matter how long. The fans will be here. Prayers for all of you.
Patiently awaiting new releases. Take the time you need with your family. I have been in that situation as well and nothing is more important than that precious time you have left with family. It can never be gotten back. Love and peace to you and your family during this time.
Peace for you and your mother. I am waiting for you when you are ready. Thanks for your books!
I’ve been reluctant to share this with everyone because I just wasn’t ready to, but my sweet momma went away from this earth to be with my dad on Sunday morning. She was sick for a long time, and didn’t have an easy journey getting away but I am joyful she is now free, <3 and rather than being sad about losing her, I want to share some of the things she loved during her eighty-seven years of life.
My mom loved learning and still enrolled herself in graduate level courses up into her seventies. She always said, "Don't ever assume there isn't plenty still to learn."
She loved to write poetry, had several of her poems published in literary anthologies. She encouraged me to try writing and got me a subscription to Writer's Digest -- my first push towards what would become my career.
She loved that I had become a writer and asked me about my books every time we spoke. When she was bedridden near the end and unable to read on her own, she asked me to read out loud to her from The Passion of Darius.
She loved tacos from Taco Bell, catfish, picking wild blackberries, tapioca pudding, playing the card game, Bridge, and playing us songs on her harmonica. She was really good, too!
She loved politics, debating the news of the day, and horoscope charts. She was a Virgo Earth Sign and admired Michelle Obama. LOL
She was a LA Lakers fan and watched the games religiously. She could tell you everything there was to know about Kareem and Magic. It was adorable.
She loved to wear white blouses and she loved her rings. Jewels were something she prized and had many of every color and size.
Rest in Peace, Mom, and...thank you for being my perfect mother. <3
Dora M. Rainey
~September 17, 1927 to May 17, 2015~
Thank you to Hospice of the Valleys and Wildomar Senior Leisure Communities for taking such good care of her for the duration of her journey. I am ever grateful.
So sorry for your loss.
I am sorry for your immense loss. It sounds like your mom was a fascinating lady. At least your parents are now reunited, never to be separated again. Rest easy.
Having not had a real mother, let alone a mom, I cannot relate to your loss, but from what you have written about her I can understand why you are filled up with love of the incredible human being who was blessed to have you for a daughter as you were blessed to have her for your mom.
I hope the memories of her specialness will fill up the sad times when you miss her. And … how wonderful she and your dad are together, again, forever,
Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with your devoted readers, even in this time of sorrow and loss.
Patiently waiting for more of Neil/Elaina, Ivan/Gabrielle, Ethan/Brin, and Carrington, the race car driver.
Blessings to you and your family.
From another devoted fan
You are in my prayers. Thank you for the wonderful books you have written. I look forward to the next when you are ready.
Wow…just reading this today…so sorry for the loss of your mother and father….I know that pain too….I love all your love storys…ty….I have read them…more than once…I hope the Lord blesses you with the Peace that surpasses understanding….bless you
Raine, I am deeply sorry for the loss of your Father and Mother. I am embarrassed to say I just read about this difficult time in your life today. I love the story of your mother, she was born during the depression era like my mother who will be 87 this October. They have somethings in common, i.e.; bridge, card games, tapioca pudding, politics, debating news of the day, she wrote poetry (never published,) she is a good writer but did not publish her first book until she was 84 (started it at 80). She is losing her site and slowly getting worse with demensia, sadly my day is coming.
You inherited the great gift of writing and I for one love your books. You write with depth of character and great dimension. I for one love your books for the male characters have strength, are willing to show their insecurities and vulnerability to the people they trust, are great protectors of the ones they love, wonderful romantics and giving philanthropist. For me it cannot get much better, since I have never experienced this.
I have read every book you have published and will always be one of your greatest fans. Take all the time you need, I will continue to read your books regardless of when they are published.
Thank you for the wonderful reading days I have had and the ones still ahead..!!!
Thank you, Sheridan, for your kind words. I am happy to tell you I am back to daily writing and for the first time in a long time it feels really good. Thanks for sharing your mother with me. I love that she is a writer of poetry and hope she continues to find enjoyment from writing it. xo R
I will wait indefinitely to read any and everything you publish!
God’s grace and mercy be with you. He will never put more on us than we can bear.
Truly sorry for what you’re going through. I can’t imagine having to write or complete a story, amidst your struggles at the moment. I absolutely love your writing and your stories and I’m sure many, like myself, will be waiting patiently for My Lord and/or any of your future releases. Best of luck Ms. Miller…
I thought something was wrong with my Nook but was sad to hear your news. My husband has been in ICU for 3 weeks and now home for a month and reading your books has given me an “escape” from reality. Praises to God and all the prayers of many, my husband is hopefully going to make it through this fight of his life. I will add you and your Mom to my prayer list for God’s peace and comfort during this difficult time. There is definitely power in prayer!
having recently lost my mother, this is a very emotional & reflective time.
may the power of prayer comfort you on this journey & may you once walk again the sunshine with a renewed spirit.
Hi- I am very sorry to hear about your mom. I too am going through difficult times with my mother. I truly understand the despair, sadness and wanting to give everything up for the ones we love. We know that Gaby and Ivan are in a good place and that she is and will be treasured by him. Please don’t worry about us, we can wait for the next book. Take care of your family and please take care of yourself.
With much love and affection… Amy
Like Ivan and Gaby we’ll be here. Take your time and be with your mother. In the meantime, know that your loyal fans have you and your entire family in our prayers.
Your mom is in my prayers- please don’t worry about your readers, take all the time you need, we’ll be here when you are ready.
Do what you need to do without regret. Family is important and irreplaceable. Praying for you and your family. Wishing you mercy, peace, and comfort.
I know it is hard to lose your parents. I lost my dad a few years ago to pancreatic cancer. My mom is living and okay for someone with chronic illnesses. I understand work takes a backseat. Praying for you and your family. Take care of yourself as well.
Dear Raine,
Sitting at my desk this morning and I decided to check your website. I am truly sorry for what you are going through. Family is important and everything else doesn’t matter. My prayers are with you and take care.
Dear Raine
I am sitting half around the globe in Europe, thinking of you and listening to your books. I have listened to your books countless of times, and I am so happy that more is on the way.
I clearly remember the day you sent your newsletter with your personal story. I just wanted to say that I lost my mother to cancer some time ago, and that your books, along with a couple of other authors helped me through it. I had never read a novel before my mother fell ill. It just did not interest me. But when the days got darker, I started listening to the blackstone affair along with the gabriels inferno series. I was instantly hooked, and it was just so nice to be able to escape to another world when I needed it. You have made a huge difference to me at a bad time in my life, and I thought you should know it. I am so very gratefull.
I now read books as often as possible, and I am looking forward to your next books. Take your time to do what you need to do, to get through your rough time, and put your writing down when it does not feel right to write. We will wait for your books for as long as it takes.
Thank you very much for making a difference in my life.
Best wishes
Tina, Denmark
My heart goes out to you. I lost my sister the very next day after your mom passed. You are right they are in heaven with our loved ones who have already gone. I truly wish you peace in this time and will forever be a fan of your writing. Keep your faith and know that we all stand behind you.
I lost my own mom about 2 years ago. I hope your own journey to peace is smooth and easy. Its about learning to live in a completely new way….it’s changed.
God bless you, you mom, and your dad.
Dear Raine,
My heart goes out to you and your family. It was with great personal pain to hear about the loss of the greatest love of all. Mother’s love. She sounds awe inspiring and so much fun. Thankfully you were able to be with her in the moments.
I was just checking in, hopeful as always to see if there was any news on “My Lord”. As I am also one of your biggest fans, and continue to be. Until there is, as with everyone else I patiently await the next installment. God bless.
So sorry for your loss. I lost Mother in 2005. The hurt gets easier but I still feel the loss and miss her immensely. We appreciate every bit of yourself that you pour into your books. Don’t quit or give up. Just keep swimming! (Even when it feels like you are going against the current)
Can I just say how very lovely it was to find your message in my emails this morning. It’s been four months since she has gone but in some ways feels harder now than when she died. Your encouragement to “just keep swimming” was exactly what I needed to hear today, so thank you. I am slowing making my way back into the water and am about up to my neck. It’s time to push off and tread water so I can start swimming. Much love and blessings. xxoo R
While I’ve anxiously awaited My Lord, I am so sad to see this news. I remember the years following my grandmothers death. My poor mom was in a daze. Gaby and Ivan are here when you’re ready for them, and your readers are too. Be kind to yourself.
Just cking in to make sure you are still swimming & let you know you have not been forgotten. We are anxiously awaiting your new projects but want you to know that taking care of you comes first and foremost to all your fans!
I just joined a new blog (Country Gals Sexy Reads) and we would love for you to add us to you list for new cover reveals, release blitzing and any other promotions you wanna push! PM me anytime & I’ll send you any l I nks you want. You know you are one of my favorites!
Mamacita ?
God bless you as I know how heartbreaking losing one parent was. I cannot even imagine the
loss of both within a year. Although we are very eager to know what happens with the characters I am confident you will get it when you are meant to get it. Sorry you have experienced hateful feedback during such a difficult time.
Like the rest of your readers, I am very sorry to hear about the losses you have experienced recently. I cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling. As for your loyal readers, we will wait. Any good love story is worth waiting for. And as for the readers who have posted negatively, see it as a testament to how good your writing is, because if it wasn’t, such strong feelings wouldn’t be had! I will patiently await the completion of their story.
I came across your romance stories and fell in love with the characters and families. I am sorry to read that you have had a lot of sadness in your life in such a short period of time. After research of your Rothvale Legacy I’m not sure if the #2 in the series was completed. I will absolutely wait to read any future books. Just trying to find out the status of the book.
Thank you, Trudy, for your inquiry. Book #2 of The Rothvale Legacy has not been published yet. It is still in the process of being written.
Hello, Mrs. Miller. I must tell you, I move to another country to do my master and reading about how Brooke and Brynne were able to adapt in other places was very inspiring. Being far from home is really depressing, so I thank you immensely for your books, as they encouraged me in very dark days. Your stories are so beautiful, thank you so much for sharing them and translating most of them into Spanish
Dear Raine,
I just joined Goodreads and have read all of the previous posts on this site. First, I would like to give you my condolences for the loss of your parents. I hope you are fairing well. I was confused on the 2nd and 3rd book in the Rothvale Legacy’s releases. I understand now that My Lord has not yet been published and I am patiently waiting for it, as well as book 3. In all honesty, I had assumed they had been released after seeing them listed on Raine Millers book website with publication dates 2014 and 2015. I also found it confusing not to be able to find them after reading the Christmas Carol for Dani and Des (which was very sweet!) that you sent out December 2015. I hope you will still complete the series. Your writings are brilliant and draw you in so well. I have reread the Blackstone Series many times and love how rich your characters are. If you can’t finish the series, I will understand, but I hope you do. The Christmas Carol was such a tease!:). Be well.
Hi Ellen. Thank you for your kind words, they mean so much. My Lord has been dragged through the ringer for sure, and at times I have despaired it would ever see the light of day. The writing was delayed at first by the illness and death of my mother where I struggled to write at all. Then, six weeks after I buried her I was served a lawsuit by a small press publisher for sequel rights (all of my published books as well as planned books were attached in the lawsuit) that has finally resolved after a year and a half. I am pleased to say that My Lord will be my next self-published book, and it will be here this spring. So soon. 🙂
P.S. Gaby and Ivan’s story will be complete with a duet (PRICELESS & MY LORD). I have planned at least two further books in the series about other couples: Book 3 (HEART and ARROW) is about Gaby’s sister, Dani, and Desmond Thorne which you read the tease in last year’s Christmas story “Christmas Carols” and then a 4th book about some related new characters you haven’t met yet.
Hello Ms. Miller; Thank you for all the updates. First let me say I absolutely love all your books. I’m so very happy to see that the Rothvale Legacy will continue. I’m also hoping to find out a bit more about My Captain… would love to read more about Neil & Elaina. I can see from GoodReads that you have a lot books I would love to read, but struggle to find them for my e-reader. Besides Kobo any other suggestions?
Thank you!
I always suggest that people download the free Kindle app and read on whatever device they have. I read on my phone all the time when I am out and about and stuck waiting somewhere. It’s easy and works just as well as an ereader in my opinion.
Dear Raine,
I am a new fan of yours. I have read all your books so far and LOVE THEM !!
But I have been looking for the continuing story of Ivan and Gabby.
From what I can gather there was delay in the writing. By the notes back and forth it looks like you were going to get the book 2 out in 2017.
I have looked everywhere and can’t find them anywhere ??
Is the book 2 out yet? If not when can we look for it ? LOVE THE story and would DEARLY LOVE TO find out more about Ivan and Gabby
Sincerely Patricia Nickel
Hi Patricia,
My Lord has not been published yet, but it will be. xo
Dear Reine, I am thoroughly enjoying reading your books. I love your writer style. Allows you to imagine the story. I am wondering how the law suits on My Captain and My Lord is coming? do you have any idea regarding when they may be available for reading as ebooks? I hope this finds you happy and healthy. Thank you for providing so much enjoyable reading.
Thank you so much 🥰 I’m so excited to finally find out what happen next. It okay I waited but enjoy your other beautiful books. Thank you I can’t wait to finally read the lord . Thank you again Raine and preorder it . Will you be selling it on you page as well here
Thank you, my darling. Yes, I absolutely will be selling the paperback on my website and have plans to do a special with swag that will be able to be pre-ordered as well. It’s all in the works. I know there are people who need to complete their paperback sets and they will be able to. xoxo
yeS, yES, YESSSSS! Color me excited, imagine me doing a happy dance!!! Thank you. Love your work 🥰
I am sooooo happy!!!! can this be pre-ordered on Amazon???
Yes it can.