
release dayRaine is breathing a sigh of relief and feeling like a long sleep would be the order of the day, except it is 1:00 am in the morning and I seem to have forgotten when I should be sleeping and what constitutes day or night.  Or maybe I just stay awake most of the time for the hell of it.  Just kidding…  Really, I am happily content that another book has launched and is safely into the hands of readers who tell me they like reading my books.  *big grin*  This is always a thrill for me, as I imagine it is for any author who creates characters that feel like they are real people, but especially because I created Ethan Blackstone and Brynne Bennett by accident.  I wasn’t looking for them or even thinking about their story.  Far from it–I was working on two other projects when I discovered the photo that would become the cover for Naked.  I love that I started the series on a whim and a whisper of an idea.  I often wonder what I would be doing right now if I hadn’t started writing their story.  Those two have come a long way in a very short time and I hope you enjoy the evolution of their love in Eyes Wide Open.

If you’ve been on Goodreads then you know that a 4th Blackstone book is in the works.  It will be more of a standalone story, taking Ethan and Brynne beyond the happily ever after at the end of most books.  There is so much more still to come for these two that I discovered while writing book 3, and I am eager to share it with readers.  Stories often take on lives of their own and just have to be told the way they wish to be told.  *shrugs*  It’s out of my control really.   No explanation or justification needed, merely a fact.  If you write, then you understand what I suit

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite photos of the perfect physical interpretation of Ethan Blackstone, the sublime David James Gandy.  You can follow Mr. Gandy here: and I urge you to do so.  He is an interesting guy.  Not bad to look at either.  *wink*


xxoo R


  1. Raine, what a series you have here. When Brynne and Ethan arrived just after midnight, I whisked them up to bed and cuddled right into their story. You definitely have another hit with this one. I am so looking forward to book #4. Congratulations on Release Day! <3

  2. Yes!!! finally the story continues! Can’t wait to start reading it! I love knowing that a 4th book is on the works!!! Thank you!!!!!

  3. I’m reading it now! So happy more of their story is in the works. Of course I follow D.G as well. 🙂

  4. Gabriala says

    I cannot wait until I get home to start reading! I was very temped to peek at in the app in my phone, but know if I do, I will not able to work the rest of the day. Maybe you should make a movie out of this??? Can’t wait to ready tonight. Thanks Raine, I love all your books!

  5. I loved every word, every page and every sentence of this book. You are an amazing author and I hope/wish we get more Blackstone in the future. Or just IVAN 😀 …Thanks for giving us Brynne & Ethan!

  6. Kristiana says

    Congratulations on your new release, Raine!
    I really love Ethan Blackstone series. When i read Naked and All In, i’m hooked, and cannot wait to read the next book of the series. And now, there you go, with Eyes Wide Open release. Congratulations! 🙂

  7. Susan Fowler Staudinger says

    I started and finished the first 3 books over the last couple of days. All I can say is
    “WOW!” I absolutely loved the books and enjoyed reading Brynne & Ethan’s story as it continued to develop & evolve. I had no idea that there would be a 4th book in the series. I’m so excited to hear that–I can’t wait!!

  8. Loved this series! My only problem is that it still left me wanting to know more about how their lives go on. I was hoping that Ethan would share a lot more of his military life and the actual things that haunt him. I hope there really is a 4th book that could actually give closure to Ethan and Brynne for me any way.


    • Raine Miller says

      I guess if you are left wanting to know more about how their lives go on, then I did my job. There is a 4th book for Ethan and Brynne coming in November 2013.

  9. When wild eyes wide open in Spanish? I look forward to reading it

    • Raine Miller says

      Hi Muri. The publisher is different and I don’t have that information. I would guess that sometime in June or early summer.

  10. I will like to know when wild eyes wide open in Spanish coming out book 1 and 2 in Spanish I will like to have book 3 in Spanish too .

  11. Nitza Liz says

    Muchas felicidades!!! Yo soy de las viudas de Grey pero quiero agradecerle que pueda ver más allá con una historia superior. Le deseo mucho éxito en cada historia que escriba y que nunca pierda de perspectiva que tiene un grupo pendiente a cada una de ellas. Nuestro apoyo es incondicional. Mis respetos. Acá en Puerto Rico estamos conectados con la historia de Ethan and Brynne y estamos deseosos de que ya nos llegue el tercer libro en español y ahora con la esperanza del cuarto. Confieso que esta espera nos tiene locos a todos. Dios la bendiga y saludo de todos los boricuas!!!

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