I have to admit I am more than a little surprised at the amount of emails and comments I get these days about the release of All In, The Blackstone Affair, Part 2. Well I’m here to address some of your concerns. The good news first: book is in the final stages of being written. *cheering* Does that mean it’s ready for publication in the next days or even the next week? No. (I hope that wasn’t really bad news for you and I do love that you want to read the book and care enough to ask) But with any book I put out, spit and polish will need to happen before it’s up for sale. It’s just how I work and I’ve never been a writer who churns out 10 K words a day…and I don’t think I ever will be.
Now, with that being said, I want you to know I didn’t go into this venture with the idea of torturing people. So far, I have worked at the pace I pretty much envisioned when I came up with the idea for this series–which was three, novella-length books of around 100-ish pages each that would tell the continuing story from different points of view. I set a pace of 2 months for each book and so far I’m on schedule with that goal. Naked was published on August 25, 2012. *wink* (I never in my wildest imaginings thought I would be fielding the amount of requests for this book as I am experiencing) Yes, folks, Raine is just a regular gal with a part -time day job, two kids and a husband. Trust me I fantasize about the glamorous life I want to be leading, but man, it’s just so not like that! Not at all. *laughing*
There have been a ton of comments about the length as well, but again, I am sticking to my plan for The Blackstone Affair and although Part 2 will be longer than Part 1, it is not going to be full novel length either, and if it was, could not possibly be written in such a short time. Not by this author at least!
I enjoy the comments and questions and try to respond to every inquiry, but if I don’t, please understand that it’s only because I am working hard on getting Part 2 out to you rather than answering emails. I love you fans very much. Never ever forget it!
For those of you who want to see more than a three book series, there is some good news there as well. I have planned a spinoff series for Gabrielle, Brynne’s roommate, the hero of which you will meet in All In. His name is Ivan and he is connected to Ethan. I’ll tell you a little secret here…I actually started Gaby and Ivan’s story FIRST. *gasp* Yes, it’s true. I started it back in the summer but got distracted by Ethan and Brynne along the way. (Such is the bane of a writer’s life) Their story is called The Rothvale Legacy and will feature some cameo appearances with Ethan and Brynne so you will still get to see them which is always nice to know they won’t be totally gone in future stories.
So to finish this ramble, I’ll leave you with a nice picture of my muse for Ethan Blackstone, waiting and plotting on how to get his beautiful American girl back–none other than the sublime David Gandy who can do sexy and angsty oh so very, very well. Thank you for the inspiration, Mr. Gandy, you have helped me more than you will ever know.
Really, when Gandy is your muse you can’t go wrong 😉 Looking forward to part 2, have fun in edits, hehe… Book Savvy Babe
Oh I’m just starting Naked and sooooo glad to know there’s much more to come!!! Heehee…..I said “come”….yes I am THAT cheezy!!! 😉
After finishing Naked I simply had to get more of your writing. I love your books!
Thanks for the update. Why are you surprised? Naked was a great read and I loved every minute of it. It is one that I have recommended to more than one of my friends. Given the ending (which shocked the heck out of me), I’m anxiously waiting to find out what happens next.
I ♥ you. And David Gandy, of course! I’ll be waiting patiently…whether or not I’ll have fingernails left, well, that’s anyone’s guess!
I feel totally Naked without Part 2.
SO excited for part 2, I have been checking everyday since I finished part 1 to see if All In has been released. Loving this novel. Ending was SHOCKING! LOVE IT!!!!!! Cant wait to read the rest. thanks
Wow!! That David Gandy has made the image of the Ethan in my head very real, and i’m loving what i see. He is gorgeous!!!
You just made my day Raine! I along with thousands are sitting on the edge of our seats with excitement over this amazing series and now the new one with Ivan. ( Doing happy dance over here!!) Your too fabulous for words girlfriend. Xoxo.
Thank you so much for the update Raine. Can’t wait for All In. If David Gandy is the muse for Ethan, who is Ivan???
Jon Kortajarena…male model, I think he’s Spanish. Ivan has longer hair and green eyes and a couple years older than Ethan. Oh, and he is a quite a handfull. Good thing Gaby is so tough, she can definitely handle him. LOL
Thank you for your update 😉 I will keep waiting in patience…. The plot of the story is the best I have read in a long while for this kind of books (Along with “On Dublin street”) and I read at least 3 books a week. I allready wrote that I think it is much better than Fifty Shades! I hope your will earn a lot on your new books series – you deserve it.
When you have the complet Blackstone Affair ready you should Self-Publishing it on one of the european sites. We are not allowed to by books on Amazon.com – and I allready told my friends about your book 😉
Best wishes for you and your family ! From a danish fan 😉
Love Naked!! Can’t wait for sequel!!
If it means you can write faster, don’t worry about responding to any of our comments. I’m sure I speak for most (if not all) of your readers that we are dying for All In.
Love the idea of Gabrielle’s story!! Thanks for the udpate.
OMG … I can’t wait for part 2! Part of me wishes I knew it wasn’t out yet, before I read part 1 🙁 … I’m on the edge of my seat here! And the 2 excerpts I found are only fueling the fire for wanting the whole book! Oh man ….
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I totally loved Naked, all I can say is – Move aside Christian & Anastasia, Ethan & Brynne are here to stay! SinfulReads
Thank you for that lovely compliment, Reading Diva!! *smiling*
Loved Naked and somehow when I finished it, I knew before even looking on Amazon that book 2 wouldn’t be out yet. Not complaining. I’m sure if it’s anything like the first book it will be worth the wait.
Any chance that your going to be doing pre-orders on Amazon?
Thank you, Shannon! I am so glad you enjoyed it. Because I am self-published, there is no such thing as pre-ordering on Amazon. That is reserved for big six publishers. But no worries. I will post on my blog as soon as I am finished writing Part 2 and it goes off to edits. At that time, I will have a better idea for dates for everyone. I am still writing but getting close to the end. Hope that helps. <3
I must say, I can hardly wait for the next book. Being a huge fan of 50 Shades as well as Bared To You and Reflected In You, Naked did not disappoint!
Completely agree. Only thing I would change is length of books and having book two already out.
This book was amazing, I love the not so “typical” love story. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for book 2. Please hurry lol.
Omg! !! I have read a lots of books after fifty shades. I was amazed how much I loved this book. Cant wait for book two. Any idea on when we can expect it?
Please for the love of God put me out of my misery! I have been occupying my reading time with other books that have piqued my interest but sadly, I am less than satisfied with my other literary selections. I still wait patiently for book 2. *sigh*
I can’t wait. I read the first book last night and NEED to read more!!!! Please tell me that it’s coming out soon. Not trying to rush perfection, I just really liked the first one! THANKS!!!!
Raine I was wondering if David Gandy has read Naked. And if so do you know what he thinks of it and bring your muse?
Melissa, I think it would be a safe bet to say that Mr. Gandy has not read Naked and has no plans to. He is interested in cars and dogs. Don’t think he reads romance books, but you never know I suppose. He is very intelligent and I do enjoy reading his Vogue blog. You should check it out. http://www.vogue.co.uk/blogs/david-gandy
Raine I also enjoy his blog. In fact reading his posts is what made me wonder if he would read it. He seems very open and is obviously secure in his masculinity. Either way I’m still glad he can provide us all with such inspiration. Mr. Gandy is definitely eye candy, and as you mentioned very smart to. Thank you for the response. Now back to your writing…lol.
Please hurry!! I want to read you second book. Thanks for having such a great imagination.
Raine could we please have a snippet from All In, to quench our thirst?
Love you books!
I posted on Facebook yesterday, Joanne. Here is the link:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=339294812833519&set=a.192436260852709.41426.192424687520533&type=1&relevant_count=1
Raine you are a godsend!!!!!! I came across part 1 by accident and just fell head over heels for Mr B. I am really looking forward to reading Part 2 and to be honest if I didn’t have my best friend’s wedding this week I would probably be going nuts like everyone else waiting for the release!!!!! Pardon the Pun 😉
Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Nichole!!! *loves that you call Ethan Mr. B. like I do*
Yes cant wait for the next book to drop!!
Book 1 was AMAZING but I really want to get my hands on book 2. Any idea when it will be published???
Hey all! Still writing. The book is definitely in the ending stages but is significantly longer than Naked was, so is taking me longer. I have not forgotten about you and am working as fast as I can to wrap it up. As soon as I send it off to my editor I WILL post that on here and on Facebook. You will know then. Hang in there, guys! xxoo Raine
Thanks for the update Raine! I’m looking forward BIG TIME for the next book, but meditating on the quote, “Good things come to those who wait!”
Thank you for the update!! I LOVED Naked and can’t wait to read more about Ethan!! I just love him!!! I’m excited that the book will be longer!!! Awesome!! Great work!!
Please make book two longer. The first one was great! You’re a brilliant writer. I love, love, love the book. I cannot wait to read All In!
I’m a bit late to this series but just finished Naked and like so many other people, can’t wait for part 2 and 3. The story line was very well written in that I could envision all the characters. The sex scenes were great, the art history was something I absolutely love being an art history major and really just can’t wait. I do also thank you for the little taste of part 2! All I ask is to please, please keep this little lady informed of the release date!! Happy Writing!!