Ethan Blackstone~The Most Interesting Man in the World?

If you didn’t know already, book 2 of The Blackstone Affair is written from Ethan’s point of view.  The whole book!  All In will give us a peek into this man’s mind.  You will find out what makes him tick, discover his secrets, and know what he thinks about.  *snickers*  No surprises there.  He thinks about her–all the time…among other things.  *more snickering*

In this scene we find Ethan visiting his dad.  You’ll see that he’s still drinking Mexican beer and has even met a new friend…


Day two of my exile from Brynne and it sucked.  I was moving around and doing things but nothing felt right.  How long would it be like this?  Should I call?  If I thought about my situation too much, fear started to creep in so I left it alone.  I left her alone.  The empty space inside me pushed for action but I knew it was too soon to try to go to her.  She needed some time and I’d made this mistake before.  Pressing too fast and too hard with her.  And being an utter fucking fool.

I parked on the street next to the house where I’d grown up.  The lawn very tidy, the gate straight and the shrubbery clipped as it had always been.  Dad would never leave here.  Not the home where he’d been with my mother.  My dad was a stubborn old puss and this was where he would die some day.

I picked up the cold beer off the seat and went in through the gate.  A black cat dashed ahead of me and waited.  It was not quite a kitten and not fully grown either.  A teenage cat I suppose.  It sat down right in front of the door and turned and looked at me.  Bright green eyes blinked as if saying for me to hurry up my too-slow ass and let him in the house.  When in the hell had Dad gotten a cat?

I rang the bell and then opened the door and stuck my head in.  “Dad?”  The cat slithered into the house faster than the speed of light and all I could do was stare.  “You have a cat now?” I called out and went into the kitchen.  I put the beer in the fridge and flopped on the couch.

Remote pointed, I turned on the TV.  European Championship.  Fucking perfect.  I could focus on football for a few hours, hopefully drink four out of the six beers and forget about my girl for a little while.  And cry to my Dad.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.  Something furry and soft climbed into my lap.  The cat was back.

“Ahh, well you’re here then, and I see you’ve met Soot.”  My dad walked up behind me.

“Why did you get a cat?”  I couldn’t wait for this answer.  We’d never had cats growing up.

My dad snorted and sat down in his chair.  “I didn’t.  You could say that he got me.”

“I can imagine.”  I stroked my hand down Soot’s sleek body.  “He just came in the house the second I opened the front door like he owned the place.”

“My neighbor asked me to feed him while she left to take care of her mum who’s very ill.  She’s had to move into her mother’s house and I got him by default.  We have an understanding I s’pose.”

“You and the neighbor, or you and the cat?”

My dad looked at me shrewdly, his eyes narrowing.  Jonathan Blackstone was very perceptive by nature.  Always had been.  I could never slip anything by him.  He always knew if I came home drunk and when I started smoking, or if I was into trouble as a lad.  I guess he’d been that way because he was a single parent for most of our lives.  My sister Hannah and I were never neglected despite the loss of our mum.  His senses got keener and he could sniff out problems like a bloodhound.  He was doing it now.

“What the hell happened to you, son?”

Brynne happened.

“That noticeable, huh?”  The cat started purring in my lap.

“I know my own child and I know when something’s off with you.”  My dad left the room for a minute.  He returned with two of the beers cracked and handed me one.  “Mexican beer?”  He lifted an eyebrow at me and I wondered if I looked the same way when I did it.  Brynne had remarked on my eyebrow quirking more than once.

“Yeah.  It’s good with a sliver of lime shoved down the neck.”  I took a slug and stroked my new ebony friend.  “It’s a girl.  Brynne.  I met her, and I fell for her, and now she’s left me.”  Short and sweet.  What else was there to say to my own father?  This was all that mattered or all that I could think about.  I was aching for her and she had left me.

“Ahhh, well that makes more sense.”  Dad paused for a moment as if letting it all sink in.  I am sure he was surprised by the revelation.  “My lad, I know I’ve told you before so this is not news by any stretch.  You came to your good looks from your mother, rest her soul.  All you got from me was the name and maybe my bulk.  But your blessings in the Adonis department made it very easy for you with the ladies.”

“I’ve never chased women, Dad.”

“I didn’t say you did but the point is you never had to.  They chased you.”  He shook his head in remembrance.  “Gods, you had the females clamoring for you.  I was sure you’d get caught sowing your oats and make me a granddad long before you should have done.”  He gave me a look that suggested he’d spent much more time worrying about this than he’d wanted to.  “But you never did…”

Dad trailed off and got a rather sad look in his eye.  After school I’d shipped off to the military and left home.  And nearly didn’t come back…



  1. Great teaser!!!
    Can’t wait for the next instalment! Any idea when we will have it!

  2. hurry up already really can,t wait

  3. Just finished naked & I am already having Ethan withdrawal. Can’t wait 4 more

  4. I really enjoyed this book. Just as anxious as everyone else for the next one. Any idea how many books you’re planning to write in this series?? Can’t ever get enough lol

    • Hi guys! The Blackstone Affair series is three books. There will be a spinoff series to follow about Gabrielle (Brynne’s roommate). You will meet her hero in All In and he is a handfull. I plan to have Ethan and Brynne on the sidelines for that series, so we will still get to see them in Gaby’s story.

      As to the second question about length. All In will be longer than Naked. 😉

      • I loved the book that I read it twice hoping the All In would be out this month. When is it going to be available and why isn’t available for Pre-order on amazon. Hurry Please

  5. Loved Loved Loved!!! I cant wait for All In….I just wanted to know if your stopping after 3 books? Also if the last two will be longer? I loved the story so much i wanted another 100 pages soooo bad 🙂

  6. Read your book last night, if was so good. And exact date on book number 2? Can’t wait! Thanks

  7. Im in love with this book. So excited for the next one please tell me when is the release date for “All In”?

  8. just knocked this one out tonight….LOVED it … cant wait for more…..
    Thank you for sharing with all of us

  9. Im going crazy with anticipation! I know that writing takes time, especially when the characters and stories are inspired not forced! I appreciate the wait for what it is, the creative process, too often I get hooked on a “serial” novel and the end never satisfies because it becomes all too generic in the author’s rush to produce. Thank you for creating a unique and quality storyline, I look forward to the next installments.

  10. Love the first book in this series, and I’m enjoying the sneak peeks while waiting for the second book. Perfect cover for All In, which I can’t wait to read!

  11. When? The second book I mean!! I read what you had said about the model David Gandy…I pictured him as Ethan from the very beginning! Had read your admission afterwards… Too funny! You described him perfectly.

    PS. Please answer the question : When?

  12. Jodie Danowsky says

    Just finished Naked in one sitting. I’m exhausted, but it was worth it. It’s one I’ll be reading again, that’s for sure. I’ll definitely be watching for the next one, can’t wait.

  13. Michelle Evrard says

    Lovvvved this book 🙂 to the point, yet so perfectly detailed! Im so excited for October, however my fiancé wishes it would come sooner, your words inspire me to spice up my engagement /relationship–even after 7 years now. Im such a visual person, I know who Ethan’s character looks like to you (gorgeous) who is your look alike for Brynne? Anddd are you going to have a book tour? <3

  14. I love love love Ethan! He’s fantastic. I cannot wait for the sequel, I almost fell over the way it ended. I do love getting from Ethan’s POV.

  15. Loved this book! Cant wait for All In!!!

  16. Just finish Naked did not want to end please hurry up with All in I hope it is out soon.

  17. Stumbled upon Naked on Amazon. Started reading and finished it in one night couldn’t put it down, LOVED IT!!! I can’t wait for book 2

  18. Just finished Naked last night. Such a great read and had me on the edge of my seat. Disappointed with the cliffhanger because selfishly I want the second book NOW! I enjoyed this book so much that I recommended it to my coworkers when I got into work this morning. I am a sure fan of this trilogy. Thank you for your creation Raine!

  19. Oh my goodness I absolutely loved Naked. Can’t wait for All In, wow is all I have to say.

  20. Just finished Naked in one sitting and have read all the excerpts from the next book, all I can say is I CANNOT WAIT for the All In!!

  21. It’s October! How much longer must we wait?!

  22. Melissa Oliver says

    Hi Raine can we please have another snippet to tie us over?

  23. Waiting. The waiting is painful. When s the next installment

  24. Thanks for the email! I am so thrilled it will be out this month sure hope you are writing the 3rd segement we all hate the wait! Again a big tease these exerpts.

  25. Going to have to borrow someone’s Nook to read your books. Any chance you will turn them into paperbacks soon?

  26. Love this book can not wait for the second!!

  27. I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Glad to have came upon this amazing book! Sooo looking forward to the next books.. Ethan withdraws for sure! 🙂

  29. When will the second book be out????? I’m going crazy

  30. I am very patiently ( checking amazon like 3 times a day) waiting for all in to be released, I was recommended naked on my kindle and loved it, I finished it in about 2 hours and then I went onto your website and saw that you had acouple other books that looked interesting… I have read all of them and love love love them, you are doing an amazing job and I know that if it takes alittle longer to be released is only because you are perfecting it… so I will continue to check amazon every day all day

    Ps. I love his perfect passion… Please continue writing books for me, LOL

    • Thank you, Genieve. What a kind message you’ve left for me. I am very close to making an announcement. Just hang in there, my friends.

      And I will keep writing books, Genieve. I have lots in the works. More historicals (very dark and erotic) and The Rothvale Legacy spinoff from The Blackstone Affair. I just need like an extra 10 hours a day.

  31. I going coo coo!! it’s not on Amazon yet WHAT’S THE HOLD UP!!!!!!

    • it is on amazon, you have to search the kindle store for all in blackstone affair part 2 and make sure you select published within the last 30 days, itll come up

  32. Molly MacNeill says

    Just finished All In. Loved it, but the end caught me by surprise. There is a part 3 coming soon I hope! I have read all your books and I am very anxious to read more about Ethan and Brynne….

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